Windows Hosting (Plesk) MyLittleAdmin end of support

MyLittleAdmin end of support

Plesk has offered an extension called MyLittleAdmin, which gives users read-only access to their Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) databases. MyLittleAdmin is no longer receiving updates from its developers and has no seamless replacement. To ensure the highest level of security for your hosting, MyLittleAdmin will be disabled for the Shared Windows Hosting platform.

Will this change affect my site performance?

Not at all! Disabling the MyLittleAdmin extension will not affect your site performance or availability.

What alternatives can I use to access my database?

We recommend using the industry standard, Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), or the simplified management tool, HeidiSQL

How to connect remotely to my database?

Please open support ticket with us by providing us your Internet IP address and the Database Version/Port, so that we can temporary allow the remote connection in our server firewall.  Once whitelisted temporarily, you can access the database from your ip address remotely. For details about how to connect, please refer our knowledgebase @

  • mssql, mylittleadmin, myadmin
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