Dear Reseller,

Further to the earlier announcements regarding cPanel price increase and reduction is partner commissions. Had negotiations with cPanel partner supports and they are not reducing the rates nor giving further discounts on volume.

So from 01/01/2021, we are forced to revised the Linux Reseller account plans and pricings as under.

LR10G - 10 GB Disk Space, 200 GB Bandwidth/m  => Rs.150/month , Rs.1,500/year
LR20G - 20 GB Disk Space, 500 GB Bandwidth/m  => Rs.200/month , Rs.2,000/year
LR30G - 30 GB Disk Space, 1 TB Bandwidth/m  => Rs.300/month , Rs.3,000/year
LR50G - 50 GB Disk Space, 2 TB Bandwidth/m  => Rs.500/month , Rs.5,000/year
LR100G - 100 GB Disk Space, 5 TB Bandwidth/m  => Rs.800/month , Rs.8,000/year
LR250G - 250 GB Disk Space, Unlimited Bandwidth/m  => Rs.1,500/month , Rs.15,000/year
LRULTD - Unlimited Disk Space, Unlimited Bandwidth/m  => Rs.2,000/month , Rs.20,000/year

Free cPanel Accounts : 5 Nos on all above packages
Additional 1 cPanel Account : Rs.18/month , Rs.180/year (multiples of 5)

To know the pricing of cPanel please visit @

So we request you to check your reseller account and terminate all unwanted cPanel accounts before 31/12/2020.  A new invoice will be generated on 01/01/2021 based on your account usage on pro-rata basis less your already billed amount and paid.


SSL Certificates : FREE for all Domains, Alias, Addons and sub domains.
Backup Retention : FREE 15 days + 4 weeks retention and restore facility.(No backup of compressed files done)
Webserver : Apache 2.4 (Litespeed)
PHP versions : v5.4 to v7.4
Database : MariaDB 10.2


SHARED SERVER usage Restrictions and Terms.
CPU Core usage Allowed  : 1 vCore
Physical Memory Allowed : 2 GB
I/O Allowed   : 4 Mbps
Process Limit  : 20 EP / 50 process 
Files/Inodes Limit  : 1,00,000 files
Max. Size Per Database  : 500 MB
Per Mailbox Max Quota   : 2 GB
Per cPanel Account Email Sending Limits : 100 per hour, 500 per day
Cron Jobs : 20 mins interval (*/20), max 5 per account (No external Cron jobs allowed)
Maximum File Storage Size : 100 MB per file  (can kept for 5 days for backup/restore purpose)
Video / Audio files : below 5 MB per file and totaling to 20 MB per cPanel account.


We found lot of customer's of resellers are misusing the server by overloading and other activities, which were getting high server resources usage.  We will now onwards take strict actions on all over-usage and violation of terms after giving warning notice to resellers by opening support ticket in your Tvmserver client area.  Non-responding to such support tickets will automatically get the culprit account suspended temporarily till it is solved and updated in the support ticket.





Dear cPanel Partner.

Over the last 12 months, we’ve continued to listen and to deliver many critical features and capabilities. These enhancements include installations and updates now completing in less than five minutes, substantially reduced memory footprint, and meaningful improvements to the core mail, DNS systems (DNSSEC), and expansion of our NGINX support.

Many of these product enhancements are deeply focused on our Partners as we work to deliver against our strategy of increasing product performance and developing highly requested features that allow our Partners to generate more value for their business.

To make sure you get the best possible product experience and support, we review our prices annually. As a result of our recent pricing review, we’ve made some changes to our pricing that will become effective on January 1, 2021.  First 100 accounts price increase to $34.50 and for over 100 accounts, the partner price has been increased from $0.100 to $0.175. You can find more information about our new pricing @

Keep innovating, building, developing, designing, and hosting, and know that we continue to make investments to improve everyone's cPanel experience.

We’re also here to help. If you have questions, please email your account manager: 

The cPanel Team



Tuesday, October 6, 2020

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